We can’t afford Measure W.

Measure W is a poorly written ballot measure that does nothing to solve our affordable housingĀ crisis and will only jeopardize the future of National City.

Affordable housing experts opposeĀ policies like Measure W because it will only make housing less available and less affordable.

Less Units, Lower Quality

The flawed Measure W will reduce the number of available rental units in National City and result in the deterioration of the homes that remain. We need to maintain and improve the quality of life in National City, not destroy it.

Higher Housing Prices

Independent housing experts agree that policies like Measure W drive up the cost of housing, reduce the amount of affordable housing available, and encourage landlords to sell or convert their apartments.

More Bureaucracy

Measure W creates a new government bureaucracy at City Hall, appointed by politicians with blank check authority to set its own salary, assess fees, hire countless staff, consultants, and lawyers, issue subpoenas, and sue without oversight.

Join the Team Against Measure W

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